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Showing posts from February, 2017

Minor Market 3 March 2017 - update

For the ones who want to prepare for the upcoming Minor Market: coming Friday 3 March 2017  Educational Centre, Erasmus MC starting 3.30 PM Please find all information in this presentation:

How do we let Hans Rosling rest in peace?

By Peter Fällmar Andersson Hans Rosling was said to be unable to deliver bad news. That is a misconception. Three years before passing away, he remarked that the one thing that had surprised him the most during his tenure as a global educator was that he became so famous – despite having so little influence over people’s real knowledge. He realized he was stuck in ”persona hell”, and that people remained ignorant at a level worse than random guessing when they took Gapminder’s tests. Not because of a lack of knowledge, but because of ”an actively upheld ignorance”. He had discovered that people actively had set their minds to remaining ignorant. Hans Rosling had devoted decades to try to throw out our Tintin-like perspective, but kept on having to say ”wrong, wrong, wrong” when the Swedish people answered the question of how many children are born per woman in Bangladesh. So how do we let Hans Rosling rest in peace? By forgetting that he sometimes swallowed sword

Erasmus MC Minor Market - 3 March 2017

Erasmus MC Minor Market The Erasmus MC Minor Market will be organized on Friday 3 March from 3.30-6.00 PM in our Education Center. Dr. Joke Tulen, Erasmus MC Minor Coordinator will kick-off with a introductory lecture (3.30-4.00 PM) in lecture hall 1/2. The Minor Market itself will start at 4.00PM in Erasmsu MC's Education Center. And of course Minor Global Health will be there to show you where you can go in 2017. Former Minor Global Health students will be there to give you 1st hand information on the sites/countries you can go to. So BE THERE! MGH2017